Test and Tag by easytest

Test & Tag Online Training Course

easytest accredited training is currently unavailable, but the easytest product manufacturers (David and Simon) are working on getting a non-accredited Certificate of Completion course up and running shortly, with a Certificate of Completion issued upon successful completion of theory and practical assessments.  They will also be working on getting an RTO aligned with the same training package, so that the same course can be offered as an accredited course in the future (expected to be about 3-6 months).


Their experience with Testing and Tagging is;


David and Simon are currently working on updating the training material so that it aligns with the current training package qualifications of,


The updates should be completed shortly and will be initially offered as a Certificate of Completion course, issued upon successful completion of theory and practical assessments, until they are able to get an RTO aligned with the training material and can then offer a fully accredited course, expect in about 6 months.


Please feel free to contact the manufacturers if you have any questions regarding training or testing and tagging equipment.


For sales and training enquires please contact us